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Molyslip MWRL 鋼絲繩潤滑脂

文章來源:www.shgegao.com 上傳時間:2017-12-18 瀏覽次數:
文章摘要:Molyslip MWRL  鋼絲繩潤滑脂Molyslip MWRL (Wire Rope & Chain Lubricant) - 鋼絲繩潤滑脂摩力士Molyslip高性能潤滑脂和特種潤滑劑可以提供有效及持久的潤滑周期,迎合當今不斷變化的生產環境。摩力士Molyslip高性能潤滑脂和特種潤滑劑滿足眾多的應用要求。無論要求多苛刻、環境多惡劣,條件多極端,都必定有摩力士特種潤滑劑能...

Molyslip MWRL  鋼絲繩潤滑脂

Molyslip MWRL (Wire Rope & Chain Lubricant) - 鋼絲繩潤滑脂


MWRL (Moly Wire Rope Lubricant)

Moly Wire Rope and Chain Lubricant is a tenacious semi-fluid grease containing molybdenum disulphide and graphite. Provides lubrication and prevents corrosion in adverse conditions. Solid content of the grease reduces friction and provides cushioning. Highly water repellent and does not wash off. It"s good adhesive qualities prevent fling-off, allowing for extended periods between applications.

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